Monday, April 16, 2012

More Changes...

So, it's no secret that I'm still getting a hold on attempting to be consistent in my posting schedule here. It's not that I'm not doing things - I actually have multiple things to post about lined up (something like around 10 or so recipes, 4 books, and 4 crafting projects, and a handful of exersize hours) - it's just been hard to get on a schedule and keep myself accountable for getting it all written down. But ultimately, I committed to this project and I want to see it through to the end. So, here is the plan to make this all a little more manageable and organized, including a change to one of my goals:

1. First, I want to get on a specific posting schedule, and hopefully writing it down here will help me stay consistent with posting (although I can't necessarily promise that it will be 100% consistent). I'd like to post at least three times a week in order to encourage me to be more of top of getting things done, and to get new content on here regularly. Here is what I'm hoping it will look like (with the help of iCal's consistent harassment):
  • Sunday: Exersize update & any state-of-the-union type discussions
  • Wednesday: Theme post (book, recipe, or craft)
  • Friday: Theme post (book, recipe, or craft)
2. I need to revamp my the way I track exersize, and my exersize goal (again, I know). I've been really inconsistent about tracking exersize, and I think there are two main reasons for that.
  • One, what do I say during a post about exersize? I've had a hard time figuring out how to make them exciting, so I'm going to take some tips from some of my favorite bloggers and try to jazz up my exersize posts, which will be taking place weekly from now on.
  • Two, I've been struggling with the scope and parameters of my exersize goal. On an good week, I will go to the gym 3 or 4 times (not that this always happens). I average about an hour per visit to the gym, so on a good week I will do 3 or 4 hours of exersize. And I feel really good about that. In terms of balancing my life with fun things, work things, and staying healthy, going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week seems really reasonable. But, if you'll remember, my goal on here is to exersize an hour for each day, which just isn't really working for my current life right now. I do other active things aside from going to the gym (going on hikes or mini-hikes with Ramona and Jared, walking around the neighborhood, playing with Ramona out in the backyard), but I feel guilty counting any of these activities, as I intended the exersize goal to be counting capital-E Exersize, not just general activity. So, in an effort to be fair to myself, and make sure that this goal is one that feels attainable to me (to encourage me to stay on track, be accountable, and not feel ashamed about not meeting my goals), I'm going to change the exersize goal to reflect what I feel good about doing on a weekly basis. If I feel positively about going to the gym 3 or 4 times per week, I'll average that out to 3.5 times per week, meaning that I'd be exersizing 1 hour for every 2 days. So, my new managable but still encouraging exersize goal: 185 hours for the year, not counting general activity. I think this new goal with really specific parameters will be more helpful for me, and allow for less confusion when I try to decided if a two hour walk on Owen's Beach counts as exersize or not (in the new regime, it doesn't!).
Sorry for all the rambling (if anyone even got this far down aside from my mother) - this post was mostly for me. As for a current exersize update, in the last few weeks (however long since I last updated), I've done approximately 15 hours of exersizing doing a variety of things I don't really remember. So, this will be my last really unspecific exersize post. Hooray for new specificity and goals!


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