Sunday, January 8, 2012

Change In Plans / This Week In Exercise

Minutes ago, i published a version of this post in which I described how much I hate running (a lot) and how this week I only ran once for two miles. The moment I posted it, I realized that this running goal wasn't quite accomplishing what I wanted it to do in my life (multiple times this week I thought about going to the gym and ultimately talked myself out of it by internally whining "but if I go to the gym I'll have to run because of this stupid goal!"). The purpose of the running goal was to encourage myself to be consistently active and up my fitness level, but obviously sitting on my couch watching How I Met Your Mother and thinking about how much I do not want to run but would be okay with going to the gym is not really helping me accomplish that.

In the spirit of setting goals that are achievable and empowering, instead of daunting and awful sounding, I'll be changing my "Run 500 Miles" goal to a "Exercise for 365 Hours" goal. I still plan to run as part of this goal, but this way, if I'm really not feeling the running vibe that day I can go to the gym and not feel guilty for doing a different kind of cardio. I maybe could have achieved the running goal, but I think that ultimately just being an active person is a better and more apt goal for me to aspire to than being a runner (and hopefully I'll become a better runner along the way anyhow).

Phew. I feel better now.


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