Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Whoops. And I'm back.

Okay, that was a bit of a bump in my road to becoming a good blogger. For some reason I have just been the most lethargic person on the planet for the last couple weeks (meaning I pass out around 9:30 - 10 on my couch every night and don't end up even doing my laundry or washing my dishes, let alone actually blogging). This was all exacerbated by the 9 day weekend I had in late January (snow shuts down my workplace and my motivation to exercise or really do anything that isn't drinking mimosas and watching How I Met Your Mother). Also, my mom visited during the last weekend in January, so I was busy then and am now busier consistently since she brought my PUPPY (read: small but fully grown dog) to live with me! Which is just great and fantastic, but adds another thing to the list of stuff I'm more likely to pay attention to than my blog.

But ultimately, these are all just excuses. And now I'm back, attempting to get back onto track. Just because I wasn't posting doesn't mean I wasn't doing things, though! Currently on my blog to do list I have one book (soon to be two), two crafts, and eleven recipes, so these should all be (hopefully) coming out in the next couple days.

Today, though, I'll update on the exercise. Things have been a little shaky as I've fluctuated from going to the gym 4+ times per week to walking around as my only exercise all week (hello, snow week). I didn't keep great track of what I've done over the past few weeks, but I'm going to estimate that I did about 14 hours of exercise, ranging from trudging uphill in the snow to jogging at the Y while watching Toddlers and Tiaras (I know, it's awful).

So, here's to a fresh start on my new beginning, and get ready for a bunch of posts in the next couple days!


Tiffany said...

Get your vitamin D level checked. I'm serious.

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